a murrain on you
a stout fellow
by your favour
cannot choose but
falling sickness
fisher of men
household stuff
in a manner of speaking
in a merry pin
in the straw
knight of the knife
knight of the needle (shears, thimble)
knight of the pestle
of a verity
parliamentary train
to be at a stand
to be great with child
to be round with someone
to douse the glim
to entertain a discourse upon something
to fall on sleep
to make [a] countenance
to rule the roast (roots)
to speed the parting guest
to strike hands
to take something in snuff
to take to wife
to take up one's parable
a stout fellow
by your favour
cannot choose but
falling sickness
fisher of men
household stuff
in a manner of speaking
in a merry pin
in the straw
knight of the knife
knight of the needle (shears, thimble)
knight of the pestle
of a verity
parliamentary train
to be at a stand
to be great with child
to be round with someone
to douse the glim
to entertain a discourse upon something
to fall on sleep
to make [a] countenance
to rule the roast (roots)
to speed the parting guest
to strike hands
to take something in snuff
to take to wife
to take up one's parable